Family Business



Not only will this help create clarity and manage expectations but, through carefully designing governance and pre-agreed guidelines, a family will be in a strong position to deal with the future challenges that will inevitably arise.


But these conversations can be challenging and many families find having an external facilitator to be beneficial, to help guide the family and manage the discussions. Independence, objectivity and fair process is key and we have worked with family businesses of all shapes and sizes to help them clear their blockages and  plan for the future.


We work with families on a number of areas including:

• Fostering family communication
• Aligning vision and values
• Building family business governance
• Creating a family constitution
• Preparing the next generation
• Drawing up succession plans
• Developing responsible owners
• Family philanthropy






Family Business Client Cases

1. Multi-generational planning
2. A reluctance to let go
3. Choosing between children
4. Communication among cousins